...this page makes me feel special...
People have said these things about me.
..."The go-to guy in Florida"...R.B
..."One smooth cool cat with mad skills"...N.B.
..."If a session with Randy was a TV show, it would be called "Good Times". Getchu Sum!"...W.J.
..."Working with Randy has got me spoiled. He is swift, professional and better than anyone else in the area"...B.A.
..."When I need a bad Hombre to do my audio...El Randy it is"...J.L.
..."Works hard. Smells good. Dresses well"...M.U.
... "I'm not sure how you smell, but you're pretty awesome!"...K.J.
..."If he cuts a track like he builds a camp fire, it should be smokin!!! Hahaha"...C.A.
..."lays down some sweet sound, cuts into it like a prime rib and gives it back like a hunk a burnin’ love"...B.R.
..."All I know is he can bust out some Kid-n- play kick steps if you need him to"...C.D.
..."Groovy...Groovy...Sweet & Groovy"...M.S.
..."As you would expect, Sweet Audio has the best dish of candy in Florida.
And of course dishes out mighty fine mixes that drive any video or film’s soul"...S.R.
..."Every once in a while you meet someone who is immensely talented, and dedicated to doing great work - Thats the definition of Randy Mease and you can quote me on that :)"...M.R.